ADR basically is an alternative to a formal court hearing or litigation. It is a collective term for the ways that parties can settle disputes, with (or without) the help of a third party. ADR are ways and methods of resolving disputes outside the judicial process (formal litigation – court).
The CIA offers Time & Cost Efficient Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Services, Such as Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiation etc. to enable private parties to settle their domestic or cross border disputes.
Our Firm assists clients with resolution of disputes in all areas of general and special practices in a broad range of industrial sectors including Oil and Gas, Power, Mining, Construction and Infrastructure, Real Estate, Entertainment and Media, Banking and Finance, Aviation, Insurance and Reinsurance, International Finance, International Investments, Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Telecommunications, etc.
There are different types of alternative dispute resolutions such as Conciliation, Arbitration or mediation. We can use different ADR for different situations. What type of ADR we want to use actually depends on the matter. If the matter
Our Firm has a significant experience in both international and domestic arbitration and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) such as conciliation and mediation. We have a dedicated team of lawyers with specific expertise to meet our client’s requirements and handle complex arbitration matters.
Arbitration is an alternative to litigation as a means of resolving disputes. It is based on the parties agreement: all parties must agree to submit the dispute in question to arbitration. Arbitration is a private forum in which an independent arbitrator makes an award, acting in a judicial fashion, to finalise the dispute. The outcome (the award) is final and binding on the parties. The arbitrator focuses on the issues (fact or law) presented by the parties.
Mediation is the process whereby parties, with the assistance of a neutral third party (the mediator), identify the issues in dispute, explore the options for resolution and attempt to reach agreement.
Conciliation is similar to mediation except that, usually, the third party will actively assist the parties to settle the dispute (for example, by making suggestions regarding settlement options.
Negotiation involves the parties attempting to reach agreement on matters in dispute without the assistance of a third party. Discussions usually proceed on a without prejudice basis.
The parties appoint an independent person to provide a non-binding opinion on the merits which evaluates the facts, evidence and law relating to a particular issue, or the whole case.
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