CIA offers Conflict management Services, involving Conflict managers or mediators, so that the business house or Association can utilize this service for managing conflicts between customer and dealers. Studies have shown that the use of effective Conflict Management programs, prevent almost 99% of all disputes from escalating into time consuming and costly litigation.
Conflict is a part of life and so is management. Today not a single scope of activity can be named where negotiation, mediation or arbitration cannot be applied. ADR professionals provide help in every field – from child upbringing to implementation of the most complicated hi-tech projects, not only settling conflicts and differences, but also preventing them, thus saving financial and time resources, enhancing protection of investments, harmonization of business and social relations and above all enhancing reputation.
CIA will partner with organisations, association and chambers to establish in-house “Conflict Management Cell” for effectively managing conflicts arising between the members or between customers or dealers. Ethical norms and Code of Conduct will be implemented, to maintain credibility and international standards.
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